April 19, 2020 COVID-19 UPDATE

We want to start by saying that we hope that all our patients, their families and friends have remained safe and healthy during this very difficult time. Our prayers have been fervent that we all make it through this pandemic healthy and come out with a new appreciation for our family, friends, and even our casual acquaintances. We also realize that those of you that had a sudden halt placed on your treatments have suffered a compounded blow which added additional stress and anxiety to an already incomprehensible situation for all of us.
Many of you are likely aware that Governor Abbott spoke this past Friday and indicated that he was going to gradually lift suspensions previously placed on non-essential businesses as well as allow for resumption of elective procedures and surgeries. Unfortunately, fertility treatments were considered as non-urgent/elective when a halt was placed on “elective” diagnostic procedures and treatments. The governor’s statement certainly may have sounded like a green light to press forward and resume treatments this upcoming week, however you need to know that his statement is not clear in relation to fertility treatments. As responsible medical professionals we must resume in a manner that is safe for us all.
We expect a statement from the Texas Medical Board tomorrow making a much clearer statement for all practitioners. We also anticipate an update from ASRM within the next week. We ask that you please bear with us as we decipher the update to the governor’s orders and then prepare for transition to move back into active care.
Again, we want to thank you for your patience. More time is needed to navigate the intricacies in getting our program and practice ramped back up. Please continue to check our website for continued updates.
God Bless!
Dr. Rodriguez and Staff
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